SQL Editor

RazorSQL contains a SQL editor that includes syntax highlighting and function lookup for many languages such as SQL, PL/SQL for Oracle, Transact-SQL for SQL Server and Sybase, SQL PL for DB2, and support for other popular programming languages like PHP, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, and many more.

The SQL editor also supports auto completion and auto lookup. For example, when typing an SQL select query in the SQL editor, after typing a keyword such as where, the editor will perform on auto column lookup to display the list of available columns pertaining to the current query. After typing a keyword such as from, the SQL editor will display a list of available tables to choose from.

The SQL editor also allows users to execute multiple queries at a time using the execute all option, or to execute only queries based on the current cursor position assuming queries are separated by semi-colons. Users can also manually highlight queries they wish to execute.

The SQL editor displays query results in a tabular format. Each query gets its own tab. The query results section includes many features such as one-click editing of data, data searching, filter and sort tools, and data import and export tools.

The editor tries to determine the syntax highlighting type based on the type of file and / or the type of database connection. For example, if the file ends in .xml, RazorSQL will display XML syntax highlighting unless the user changes the highlighting type manually.

Normally the default syntax highlighting type is the SQL type. However, if connected to Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, or DB2, the editor will set the highlighting type to that particular database's programming language, i.e., PL/SQL for Oracle, TSQL for SQL Server and Sybase, and SQL PL for DB2.

The SQL Editor will also display custom sytnax highlighting for MySQL and PostgreSQL keywords.

Listed below are links to more specific information about some of the SQL editors provided by RazorSQL:

DB2 SQL Editor
Derby SQL Editor
DynamoDB SQL Editor
Firebird SQL Editor
FrontBase SQL Editor
H2 SQL Editor
Informix SQL Editor
Ingres SQL Editor
Interbase SQL Editor
InterSystems Cache SQL Editor
MongoDB SQL Editor
MS Access SQL Editor
MS SQL Server SQL Editor
MySQL SQL Editor
OpenBase SQL Editor
Oracle SQL Editor
Pervasive SQL Editor
PostgreSQL SQL Editor
Salesforce SQL Editor
SimpleDB SQL Editor
SQL Azure SQL Editor
SQLite SQL Editor
SQL Anywhere SQL Editor
Sybase SQL Editor
Teradata SQL Editor

SQL Editor