RazorSQL How to Get Connected

RazorSQL stores connection information in "connection profiles". To connect to a database, a connection profile must first be created. Once the profile is created, it can be used again and again to connect to a database.

To create a new connection profile, select the Connections -> Add Connection Profile option or use the "Add Connection Profile" toolbar icon. On the first screen of the add connection profile tool, you will be prompted for the type of database you wish to connect to. Select the database from list, or if the database is not listed, select OTHER.

Once the database is selected and the Continue button is pressed, the connection wizard screen will be displayed. The connection wizard has two sections. The left section contains a list of the various ways RazorSQL can connect to databases. The main section in the middle contains information needed to connect to a particular database such as login credentials, the name of the database, etc.

The next step is to determine how to connect to the database by selecting an option in the connection type list. RazorSQL ships with drivers for many databases. If RazorSQL ships with a driver for the database type selected, the connection type appropriate to the built-in driver will be selected. If RazorSQL does not ship with a built-in driver, of if you would prefer to connect via another method, you can select a different option in the connection type list.

The options in the connection type list can include the following:

1. Built-in driver (JDBC) - This method can be used if RazorSQL ships with a JDBC driver for the database. RazorSQL will take care of configuring everything behind the scenes so that all that needs entered is the login credentials, etc.

2. JDBC Driver - RazorSQL is aware of how to configure JDBC drivers for certain databases even though RazorSQL does not ship with those drivers. If this method is selected, RazorSQL will take care of configuring the driver behind the scenes. However, since RazorSQL does not ship with the driver, the user will have to specify where the driver .jar file is located on the file system using the Browse button next to the driver location field.

3. JDBC Generic - This method can be used if you would like to manually connect using JDBC.

4. ODBC - This method can be used for Windows users who have an ODBC datasource configured via the Windows Data Sources control panel. RazorSQL will automatically display all configured ODBC datasources in a drop-down box.

5. PHP Bridge - RazorSQL ships with PHP bridges for certain databases. If the PHP bridge option is available, users can connect to a database via HTTP or HTTPS by deploying the RazorSQL PHP bridge page to their web server. See the links below for more information.

5. ASP Bridge - RazorSQL ships with ASP bridges for certain databases. If the ASP bridge option is available, users can connect to a database via HTTP or HTTPS by deploying the RazorSQL ASP bridge page to their web server. See the links below for more information.

6. JDBC Bridge - RazorSQL ships with a JDBC bridge that can be used to connect to databases via HTTP or HTTPS by deploying the RazorSQL JDBC Bridge JSP page to a Java Servlet Container, or JEE application server. See the links below for more information.

For more information, please see the following links:

Database Specific Help - Information on database specific details for getting connected.

General Connection Help - General information on the fields in the connection wizard.

JDBC Bridge - Information on how to use the JDBC bridge.

MySQL PHP Bridge - Information on how to use the MySQL PHP Bridge.

PostgreSQL PHP Bridge - Information on how to use the PostgreSQL PHP Bridge.

SQL Server PHP Bridge - Information on how to use the SQL Server PHP Bridge.

SQL Server ASP Bridge - Information on how to use the SQL Server ASP Bridge.

ODBC Help - Information on how to set up ODBC data sources on Windows machines.