
Listed below are some preferences customizable via the Edit -> Preferences menu option.

SQL Preferences

SQL Statements / Query Tabs per connection: This preference tells RazorSQL how many query results tabs to open per connection tab. The default value is 8. Once the max number of results tabs is open, the next query executed will remove and close the resources of the oldest results tab and add the new query results.

Query Timeout: This setting tells RazorSQL how long to wait for a query to return results. After the timeout expires, RazorSQL will attempt to kill the process that is waiting on the query results.

Connect / Disconnect Timeout: This setting tells RazorSQL how long to wait for a connection to be established or for a disconnect to happen.

Auto Table Lookup: This setting tells RazorSQL whether or not to perform the auto table lookup when in the SQL editor. If set to yes, when RazorSQL detects that the user is at a point in an SQL statement where the user would need to enter a table, a call will be made in the background to get a list of tables and display them for the user to pick from.

Auto Column Lookup: This setting tells RazorSQL whether or not to perform the auto column lookup when in the SQL editor. If set to yes, when RazorSQL detects that the user is at a point in an SQL statement where the user would need to enter a column, a call will be made in the background to get a list of columns and display them for the user to pick from.

Auto Lookup Delay: This setting tells RazorSQL how long to wait before performing the background call to lookup columns or tables and display them to the user to pick from.

Cache Auto Column Lookup values: This setting tells RazorSQL whether or not to cache values that have been retrieved via the auto column lookup. If set to yes, RazorSQL does not have to make a call to the database to get column information for tables that have already had an auto column lookup done on them.

Refresh Database Navigator on CREATE, ALTER, or DROP: This setting tells RazorSQL whether or not to refresh the database navigator when an SQL CREATE, ALTER, or DROP command is issued.

Prompt for user input for ampersand in Queries: This setting tells RazorSQL whether to use parameterized queries or not whenever an ampersand is present. If checked, RazorSQL will prompt for a value for any ampersand found in a query. RazorSQL will then substitute the value entered for the ampersand in the query.

Auto parse editor queries by semi-colon for Execute SQL: This option tells RazorSQL whether or not to try to determine the query to executed based on semi-colon position and cursor placement for the Execute SQL (One Statement) option. To execute multiple statements selected by semi-colons, the Execute SQL (All Statements) option can be used.

Parse highlighted text by semi-colon for Execute SQL: This setting tells RazorSQL whether or not to try to determine if there are multiple queries in the highlighted text when the Execute SQL option is selected. If there are, and this setting checked, RazorSQL will attempt to execute each of the queries

Strip semi-colons from queries for applicable databases: This setting tells RazorSQL to strip semi-colons from queries for databases that do not support having an ending semi-colon sent to the database with a query. The databases that do not support this are DB2, Derby, Ingres, Oracle (for select, insert, update, and delete), and Sybase.

Close resultsets on execute: This setting tells RazorSQL to close any resources associated with an SQL statement after executing the statement. This setting can be turned to on if there are table or row locking problems on the database. If using this setting, the fetch size preference should be adjusted so that enough rows are returned from the database per query.

Wrap database objects in generated SQL: This setting tells RazorSQL to wrap database objects for tools that generate SQL such as the Create Table tool. When Necessary means that RazorSQL will only wrap the database object if it is required, such as if the object contains a space.

Execute SQL Fetch Size: This settings tells RazorSQL how many rows to fetch from the database per network call. The default is to use the driver settings, which is typically around 100 rows. If many rows are being returned from the database, increasing the fetch size can increase performance, as the number of network calls is reduced.

Fetch All Rows Fetch Size: This setting tells RazorSQL how many rows to fetch from the database per network call. Since the fetch all rows returns all rows from the query, setting this value to a higher number can improve performance by cutting down on the number of network calls.

Lines of SQL History to Keep: This settings tells RazorSQL how many lines of SQL History to store. The default is 20,000 lines.

Alternate colors in query results rows: Whether or not to display every other row as a slightly different color in the query results to improve readability.

Show NULLS as different color in query results: Whether or not to indicate the difference between NULL values and empty values in the query results by displaying NULLS in a different color.

Name query tab with first object from query: Whether or not to give the query tab a name based on a table from the query that was executed.

Query results character set: If selected, RazorSQL will retrieve results from the database in byte format and then apply the selected character set to those bytes to produce character data.

Display Results as They Are Returned: If selected, when performing a query via the Execute SQL - Fetch All Rows method, RazorSQL will display the results as they are returned from the database, instead of waiting until all rows are returned before displaying the results.

Editor Preferences

Prompt for Save on Close / Exit
Tab Width
Open Previously Open Files at Startup
Auto Indent
Warn if File is Modified
Show Line Numbers


Editor Font
Query Results Font
Database Navigator Font

Keyboard Shortcuts

Here users can customize the keyboard shortcuts used by RazorSQL.


Here users can customize what icons appear on the RazorSQL toolbar.

Syntax Highlighting

RazorSQL allows users to customize the syntax highlighting colors and font weights for each supported language.

Key Ahead

Users can add or remove key ahead text based on the programming language type.

Keep Alive

Users can decide whether or not to turn on connection keep alive and, if keep alive is turned on, how often to execute a keep alive call.