RazorSQL How to Work with Files
RazorSQL contains many options for working with files on a computer's file system. The built-in editor can be used not only for working with SQL against databases, but for editing text files and files for many other programming languages.
Users can open a file using the File -> Open menu option. This will read the contents of a file from the file system and display it in the editor. RazorSQL will determine the syntax highlighting to use to display the file based on the file type. Once the file is displayed in the editor, users can make changes to the file, save the file, save it as another name, etc., most any option that is available in a text editor is available using RazorSQL.
RazorSQL displays files and / or database connections using tabs, similar to how modern web browsers display web pages. Each connection or file opened gets opened in a new tab. Users can move from file to file by clicking on the appropriate tab for that file.
For more advanced file work, RazorSQL also includes a file system browser. The file system browser can be displayed using the View -> File System Browser menu option. Once clicked, a file system browser will display on the right-hand side of the window. Users can navigate their file system similar to Windows Explorer of the Mac Finder. The file system browser includes many options such as opening files, renaming files, copying, moving, or deleting files, and much more. The right-click menu of the file system browser displays all available options.
RazorSQL also includes many text manipulation and searching options for files. Thise options are listed in the Edit menu and the Search menu.