Create View Tool

The Create View Tool allows users to visually create views.

For most databases, a view is simply a stored query that can be selected against similar to a table.

The Create View Tool allows the user to specify the view name and the query for the view, and then generates and/or executes the SQL needed to create the view.

The following is an example of the SQL generated from the Create View Tool

CREATE VIEW sample.test_view AS select fname, lname from employee

The following are links to information about the Create View tool for specific databases:

Access Create View
DB2 Create View
Derby Create View
Firebird Create View
FrontBase Create View
H2 Create View
HSQLDB Create View
Informix Create View
Ingres Create View
InterBase Create View
MySQL Create View
OpenBase Create View
Oracle Create View
PostgreSQL Create View
MS SQL Server Create View
SQLite Create View
SQL Anywhere Create View
Sybase Create View
Teradata Create View