RazorSQL Feature Reference By Menu Grouping

Listed below are the names and descriptions for all features contained in RazorSQL grouped together by the menu in which the features are contained.

File Menu
Edit Menu
Search Menu
DB Tools Menu
Connections Menu
SQL Menu
Results Menu
Tools Menu
Code Menu
View Menu
Window Menu

File Menu

New Tab (No Connection): Open a new tab containing a new database browser, SQL programming editor, and query results tabbed pane. The new tab will not be connected to a database until the Connections - Connect option is selected.

New Tab (Share Connection): Open a new tab containing a new database browser, SQL programming editor, and query results pane. The new tab will share the connection of whichever connection was selected from the sub-menu.

Open (No Connection): Open a file from the filesystem, and load that file's contents into the SQL programming editor. The syntax highlighting for the file will be set based on the file extension. The No Connection option means the tab will not be connected until the Connections - Connect option is selected.

Open (Share Connection): Open a file from the filesystem, and load that file's contents into the SQL programming editor. The syntax highlighting for the file will be set based on the file extension. The new tab will share the connection of whichever connection was selected from the sub-menu.

Under More Open Options . . .

Open URL: Opens the contents of a URL, for example, http://www.razorsql.com/ would return the page source for the RazorSQL site.

Open Choose Encoding: Opens a file with the file encoding selected from the sub-menu. Use this option if you do not want to open the file using the encoding selected in the Preferences, or if no encoding was selected in the preferences, the default operating system file encoding.

Open File Set: A file set can be created using the Create New File Set sub-menu option. A file set is a list of files to be opened simultaneously. Once a file set is created, the Open File Set sub-menu can be used to select the file set. Once the file set is created, a new tab will be created for each file in the file set.

Close: Closes the existing tab and closes any resources associated with the tab such as result sets, SQL statements, or database connections.

Under More Close Options . . .

Close All: Closes all tabs and closes any resources associated with the tabs such as result sets, SQL statements, or database connections.

Close All Except Current: Closes all tabs except the current tab and closes any resources associated with the tabs such as result sets, SQL statements, or database connections.

Save: Saves the contents of the SQL programming editor to the file system. If a file is already associated with the editor, the contents are saved to that file. If there is a no file associated with the editor, a dialog will appear prompting the user to select a file to save the contents to.

Save As: Saves the contents of the SQL programming editor to a file on the file system. A dialog will appear prompting the user to select which file to save the contents to.

Save All: Saves the contents of all of the currently open SQL editor tabs to the file system. If the tabs are associated with a file, the contents will be saved to those files. If not, a dialog will appear prompting the user to select a file to save the contents to.

Save Selection As: Saves the currently highlighted selection in the SQL editor to a file on the file system. A dialog will appear prompting the user to select a file to save the contents to.

Save Choose Encoding: Saves the contents of the currently selected SQL editor to the file system using the character encoding choosen from the sub-menu.

Templates: The templates menu item contains a sub-menu that contains templates for the programming languages supported by RazorSQL such as PL/SQL, SQL, Transact SQL, SQL PL, Java, XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc. Users can add their own templates to the Templates menu by selecting the Add Template option from the submenu.

Recent Files: This menu contains a sub-menu listing all of the recent files that were opened by RazorSQL. Clicking on one of the files listed opens a new tab with that files contents in the SQL programming editor.

Recent Directories: This menu contains a sub-menu listing all of the recent directories that were the parents of files opened by RazorSQL. Clicking on one of the directories brings up a dialog with the contents of that directory, and allows the user to select one of the files in the directory for opening.

Current Directory: This menu contains the files contained in the parent directory of the file that is associated with the currently active tab in RazorSQL. If there is no file associated with the currently active tab, there are no items displayed.

Favorites: The favorites item allows users to bookmark files or directories so that they can be quickly opened at a later time. To add a file or directory to the favorites, simply open the file, and select either Add Current File to Favorites or Add Current Directory to Favorites.

Tools: The File - Tools menu contains the following file tools:

Size: Displays the size of the selected file in megabytes, kilobytes, and bytes.

Get Info: Displays information about the selected file such as its modification date, type, and size.

Search: Performs a normal or regular expression search on the selected file and displays the results as the contents of a new SQL editor tab.

Head: Performs a head on the selected file by retrieving the first so many lines of the file as specfied by the user. The results are displayed as the contents of a new SQL editor tab.

Get Section: Gets the contents of the selected file from the begin and end lines specified by the user. The results are displayed as the contents of a new SQL editor tab.

Tail: Performs a tail on the selected file by retrieving the last so many lines of the file as specified by the user. The results are displayed as the contents of a new SQL editor tab.

Rename: Renames the selected file to the new name specified by the user.

Move: Moves the selected file to a new location as specified by the user.

Delete: Deletes the selected file.

Conversions: The File - Conversions menu contains options for converting the file's line breaks either to Windows line breaks (carriage return line feed), Unix line breaks (line feed) or Mac Classic line breaks (carriage return).

Show in Web Browser: Shows the currently active contents of the SQL programming editor as an HTML page in the default web browser for the user's system.

Backup Editor File: Makes a backup of the file in the currently active tab.

Compare Files: Allows the user to select two files to compare and then displays the differences of the compared files. This is similar to the UNIX diff command.

Reload: Reloads the contents of the currently active SQL editor if there is a file associated with that editor.

Reload All: Reloads the contents of the SQL editors for all tabs if there are files assoicated with those editors.

Reload Choose Encoding: If the currently active SQL editor has a file associated with it, reloads the editor using the character encoding chosen by the user.

Print: Allows the user to either print the SQL editor contents or the results of the currenly active query results tab.

Edit Menu

Undo: Undoes the last operation performed in the editor. Undo can be re-selected hundreds of times to undo operations in the sequence that they were performed.

Redo: Redoes the last operation performed in the editor. Redo can be re-selected hundreds of times to redo operations in the sequence that they were performed.

Cut: Cuts the highlighted text from the SQL programming editor and places it on the system clipboard.

Copy: Copies the highlighted text from either the SQL programming editor or query results and places it on the system clipboard.

Paste: Pastes the contents of the system clipboard to the SQL programming editor.

Select All: Selects all the text in either the SQL programming editor or in the query results.

Sticky Cut: Cuts the highlighted text from the SQL programming editor and stores it indefinitely in a special clipboard provided by RazorSQL.

Sticky Copy: Copies the highlighted text from either the SQL programming editor or query results and places it indefinitely in a special clipboard provided by RazorSQL.

Sticky Paste: Pastes the contents of the RazorSQL sticky clipboard to the SQL editor.

Delete Menu: Contains many operations for deleting text such as the following: Delete Word, Backspace Word, Delete Line, Delete to Start of Line, Delete to End of Line.

Select Menu: Contains many operations for selecting text such as selecting lines, paragraphs, pages, characters, and words.

Text Menu: Contains text operations such as upper casing or lower casing text, appending and prepending text to lines, removing trailing and beginning white space, removing blank lines, removing duplicate lines, sorting lines, word counts, formatting to fit screen, wrapping text at a column number, and unwrapping text.

Shift Selection Left: Shifts the highlighted selection in the SQL editor to the left by one tab.

Shift Selection Right: Shifts the highlighted selection in the SQL editor to the right by one tab.

Previous Word: Moves the cursor in the SQL programming editor to the beginning of the previous word.

Next Word: Moves the cursor in the SQL programming editor to the beginning of the next word.

Previous Paragraph: Moves the cursor in the SQL programming editor to the beginning of the paragraph.

Next Paragraph: Moves the cursor in the SQL programming editor to the beginning of the next paragraph.

Document Begin: Moves the cursor in the SQL editor to the beginning of the document.

Document End: Moves the cursor in the SQL editor to the end of the document.

Date Time: Print the current date and time in the currently active SQL editor.

Backup User Data: This backs up RazorSQL user specific data such as preferences, connection profiles, favorites, templates, etc. This process creates a zip file of the data.

Reset Preferences: This option resets the RazorSQL preferences back to their defaults.

Preferences: Displays the Preferences window where users can edit preferences.

Search Menu

Database Data Search: The database data search tool is a tool that allows users to search single or multiple tables. The user chooses which columns to use in the search criteria, and what kind of data to look for in those columns. Once the criteria is entered, the search generates database queries behind the scenes and displays the results.

Database Object Search: The database object search tool allows users to find database objects such as tables, views, procedures, triggers, indexes, etc. Types of objects available for searching are dependent on the type of database that is connected to. The results of the object search are displayed in tree view. Right-clicking on the nodes in the tree provides a menu with options.

Find / Replace: Displays the Find / Replace dialog. This dialog allows users to find text in the currently active SQL programming editor with options such as forward and backward direction, all lines or selected lines only, case sensitivity, whole word only search, wrap search, show found lines, and count all.

Users can also replace found text using the Replace, Replace / Find, and Replace All buttons.

Find Next: Finds the next search text in the SQL editor. If there is text selected, Find Next looks for text matching the selection. If not, Find Next tries to get the last Find done for the current session and looks for that text.

Find Previous: Finds the previous search text in the SQL editor. If there is text selected, Find Previous looks for text matching the selection. If not, Find Previous tries to get the last Find done for the current session and looks for that text.

Find Selection: Searches for text in the SQL editor using the current selection as the search parameter.

Replace Range: Replaces a range of text in the SQL editor, from beginning column number to ending column number, with text specified by the user. Replace Range can work on all lines or only the selected lines.

Goto Line: Places the SQL editor cursor at the beginning of the line number as specified by the user.

Match Bracket: Highlights text in the SQL editor from the first bracket after the cursor to the ending bracket for the beginning bracket. Brackets can include parentheses, curly brackets, and braces.

Match Tag: Highlights text in the SQL editor from the first tag after the cursor to the ending tabg for the beginning tag.

Find / Replace In Files: Searches for text in files on the file system. If the find button is pressed, this text is displayed in a window with clickable icons to take the user to the exact line of text in the file where the text was found. Users can specify the file type to search in, and the directory to start the search. There is a match case option, and the ability to search sub directories.

If the Replace All button is pressed, all found text is replaced with the text in the Replace With box.

Find in Open Editors: Search for text in the RazorSQL SQL editor tabs. Found text is displayed in a window with clickable links to take the user to the exact line of the found text in the appropriate tab.

Bookmarks: The bookmark options allow users to add bookmarks to lines in the SQL editor. Users can then "jump" to those bookmarks using the next and previous bookmark menu options or keyboard shortcuts.

DB Tools Menu

Create Menu: The Create menu includes options for creating database objects such as tables, views, indexes, sequences, packages, package bodies, procedures, functions, triggers, databases, and users. Not all options are available for all database types.

The Create tools prompt users for information on the database object such as the object name, attributes, etc., and then generate and execute the SQL to create the database objects. All SQL can be previewed before being executed by RazorSQL.

Alter Menu: The Alter menu includes options for altering database objects such as tables and views. The Alter Table option includes options such as adding primary keys, foreign keys, and check constraints, dropping columns and constraints, and renaming tables and columns. Not all Alter options are available for all database types.

The Alter tools generate and then execute the SQL to alter the database object. All SQL can be previewed before being executed by RazorSQL.

Drop Menu: The Drop menu includes options for dropping database objects such as tables, views, indexes, sequences, packages, package bodies, procedures, functions, triggers, databases, and users. Not all options are available for all database types.

The Drop tools generate and then execute the SQL to drop the database object. All SQL can be previewed before being executed by RazorSQL.

Edit Menu: The Edit menu includes options for editing tables, packages, package bodies, procedures, functions, and triggers.

The Edit Table option brings up the contents of the table in a spreadsheet like format and allows the user to modify the values in the cells. The Edit Table tool can then generate and/or execute the SQL for any changes made by the user. The Edit Table Tool also has options such as a find tool to find data in the table, and the ability to enter text in a separate window outside of the cell that is useful when editing large blocks of text. The Edit Table Tool also allows users to insert and delete rows.

The other edit options for packages, package bodies, procedures, functions, and triggers, populate the currently active SQL programming editor with the contents of the database object to allow users to edit them.

View Menu: The View menu includes options for viewing table contents, and also viewing the contents of packages, package bodies, procedures, functions, and triggers.

Describe: The describe option is used to describe a table or view and includes such information as column name, column type, column size, primary key status, foreign key status, nullability, and scale.

Table Relationships: The table relationship options allows a user to select a table and then displays all foreign key relationships to that table.

Execute SQL Script: The execute SQL script option executes the contents of an SQL file. The user needs to provide the SQL statement separator used by the file if the file has multiple statements. Note that queries that return results are not supported by the execute sql script option.

Import Data: The Import tool allows users to import data into tables from Excel files, delimited files, SQL files, or fixed width files.

Export Data: The Export tool allows users to export data from tables, views, or queries in several formats including Excel, delimited format, HTML, XML, Text, JSON and as SQL insert statements. Multiple or single tables can be exported at a time.

Copy Table: The copy table option allows a user to select an existing table from the database and copy it to a new table.

Copy Table to Another Database: This option allows the user to copy a table from the current database to another database of the same type. This option can either generate an SQL file containing the statements to copy the table or execute the copy table statements directly on the remote database.

Copy to Local Database: This option allows users to copy a table from the current database to RazorSQL's built-in database. There are sub-menu options for copying one table or multiple tables to RazorSQL's database.

Backup: RazorSQL supports backup options for certain databases. There are sub-menu options for backing up a single table, or for backing up a database / schema. When backing up a database or schema, the types of objects that are supported for backup are dependent on the database type. Examples include tables, views, indexes, functions, procedures, and triggers. The backup options generate an SQL file containing DDL and SQL insert statements for the objects and data contained in the table or database / schema.

Database Conversion: RazorSQL supports database conversion for certain databases. Users can convert a single table or multiple tables in a schema or database. The database conversion tool can generate an SQL script file containing the DDL and SQL insert statements for the converted tables, or it can execute the DDL and SQL directly on another connection, or it can do both.

Generate DDL: This option allows users to generate the database definition language (DDL) for various database objects such as tables, views, indexes, procedures, etc.

Auto Complete: The auto complete option will automatically complete started text in the SQL editor. The auto complete option displays a list of tables and views that start with the text entered into the editor.

Column Lookup: The column lookup option prompts the user for a table or view and then displays the columns of the table or view in a popup list in the currently active SQL editor. This allows the user to quickly select a column from a table or view without having to type the column name. The SQL editor also has auto column lookup that will automatically display the list of columns for a table.

Table Lookup: The table lookup option prompts the user for a database and/or schema and then displays the tables and views located in that database and/or schema. This allows the user to quickly select a table or view without having to type the name. The SQL editor also has auto table lookup that will automatically display the list of tables for a database or schema.

Execute Procedure / Function: The execute procedure option prompts users for values to each of the input parameters of a procedure or function, and then calls that procedure or function and returns the output.

Query Builder: The Query Builder Tool allows users to visually build select, insert, update, or delete SQL statements against tables.
The Query Builder Tool allows the user to select the columns to be used in the SQL statement as well as the SQL operations to be included in the query. It also allows for the selection of aggregate functions and group by clauses and allows for selection of multiple tables for join selects. After selecting the appropriate options and entering any custom values, the Query Builder Tool can generate and/or execute the SQL corresponding to the selections.

Compare Tool: The compare tool allows users to compare either tables and views or query results. The compare process then generates and displays a report of the differences between the objects that were compared.

Query Scheduler: The Query Scheduler tool allows users to schedule SQL queries based on a time interval and number of executions and have the results of the query written to an output file.

Command Line Call Generator: RazorSQL has a command line interface that allows users to perform operations outside of the RazorSQL GUI from the command line or terminal. The command line call generator tool guides the user through generating a command that can be executed outside of RazorSQL. Commands include the following:
Backup Database (if RazorSQL supports backup for the database type)
Backup Table (if RazorSQL supports backup for the database type)
Execute SQL Script
Export Table / Query Data
Import Table Data
Compare Query Results
Convert Table (if RazorSQL supports conversion for the database type)

Connections Menu

New Tab (No Connection): Creates a new tab that is not connected to a database.

New Tab (Share Connection): Creates a new tab that shares its connection with the connection selected by the user.

Connect: Brings up a list of currently configured connection profiles. The user can then select a profile and connect to a database. If no profiles have been configured, the Connect option brings up the Connection Wizard that allows users to create connection profiles.

Add Connection Profile: Brings up the connection wizard tool. This is used to configure and create a database connection. The information used to connect is then saved in a connection profile that can be accessed for future use via the Connect option.

Disconnect: Disconnects and closes all resources associated to the connection that is associated with the currently active tab.

Disconnect All: Disconnect All closes all currently open connections and closes all resources associated with those connections.

Connect to Built in Database (HSLQDB): Connects to the database that ships with RazorSQL, the HSQLDB database.

View SQL History: Displays the contents of the SQL History. SQL History contains the last 20,000 lines of SQL executed in RazorSQL. The number of lines of history stored can be configured in the Preferences tool.

View Query Log: The query log holds all queries executed on the current RazorSQL tab.

View Meta Data: Displays a window containing meta data information about the database such as version information, driver information, keywords, built-in functions, types, etc.

View DBMS Output: For Oracle database connections, if users set the View DBMS Output option to on via the toolbar dropdown, the View DBMS Output menu option becomes active. RazorSQL then checks for DBMS output for any statement executed. If there is DBMS output available, clicking on the View DBMS output option will display the output.

View Print Output: For SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Sybase databases, if an SQL statement contains print output, the View Print Output option will display the Print output of the last executed statement.

Configure Navigator: The configure navigator option gives users the ability to configure the database navigator. For some databases, the System Navigator option is available. This option generally generates the most information about database objects and is enabled by default where applicable. The Driver option gets all of the database information from the driver. Since the driver only returns information on tables, views, and procedures, this option does not contain as much information as the System Navigator. The Custom Navigator option enables users to enter their own queries for querying the database and displaying that information in the navigator.

Filter Navigator: If users do not want certain objects to display in the database navigator, they can choose the filter navigator option to filter what gets displayed.

Reload Navigator: Reloads and refreshes the database navigator with any changes that may have occurred since the last refresh.

SQL Menu

Execute SQL (One Statement): The execute option determines which statement from the query editor to execute based on certain conditions. If an SQL statement is highlighted in the query editor, that statement will be executed. If there are no statements highlighted, and the language type is set to SQL, PL/SQL, TSQL, or SQL PL, RazorSQL will then check for statement separators (by default the semi-colon). If there are statements separated by statement separators, RazorSQL will execute the closest statement based on the cursor position. If there are no statement separators, or if the language type is something other than one of the SQL variants such as HTML, RazorSQL will attempt to execute the entire contents of the query editor. For PL/SQL and SQL PL, RazorSQL will not parse queries based on statement separators if the statement separator is the semi-colon if it determines there are blocks of code, such as begin, end blocks in the editor.

The execute process executes the sql statement. If the statement performs an insert, update, or delete, RazorSQL will attempt to display the number of rows affected in the SQL status panel.

If the query is a select, RazorSQL will display the results of the query in the query results section. RazorSQL determines how many rows to fetch of the query by looking at the fetch size preferences first, and if nothing is specified, by using the specific database driver settings. Most drivers by default have a fetch size of around 100 rows. If the user attempts to scroll to see more than the number of rows fetched, RazorSQL will then try to fetch the next set of rows from the database. The SQL status panel will be updated each time RazorSQL calls back to the database driver to fetch more rows.

Certain database tools only perform actions on the fetched rows. For example, the sort and filter query results option only sort or filter the rows displayed in the query results. If the user wishes to sort or filter the entire contents of the query, the user should use the "execute fetch all rows" option. However, this option should not be used if there are a large number of rows expected to be returned from a query, as very large numbers of rows can cause performance problems.

Execute SQL - Fetch All Rows: The Execute SQL Fetch All Rows option works exactly like the Execute SQL option for all queries except those that return results, such as select queries. For queries that return results, the fetch all rows option makes sure to fetch all rows from the database and display all of those rows in the query results tab, as opposed to only fetching a set number of rows and not doing another fetch until the user scrolls down to see unfectched rows.

Care should be used when using the fetch all rows options for queries that are expected to return very large result sets. Very large result sets could consume enough memory and generate enough network traffic to cause performance problems.

Execute SQL (All Statements): The Execute All option executes all SQL statements in the query editor.

The Execute All option requires the SQL statements to be separated by statement separators, by default, semi-colons (;).

The execute all option executes each statement one by one. By default, if there is an error, execution will stop. This behavior can be changed in the preferences.

Execute SQL (All Statements - Fetch All Rows): This option behaves exactly like the Execute SQL (All Statements) option except that all rows from each statement (assuming the statement returns results) are fetched. Care should be used with this option if any of the queries return a very large number of rows.

Execute SQL (All Statements Close Current Tabs): This option closes are existing query results tabs prior to executing the statements.

Execute SQL (One Statement) - Output to File: This option executes either the currently highlighted statement or statement nearest the current cursor position. It then generates a delimited file containing the results of the statement. A window appears prior to execution that allows the user to specify the delimiter to use.

Execute SQL (All Statements) - Output to File: This option behaves exactly like Execute SQL (One Statement) - Output to File except that it executes all statements in the current editor.

Explain Plan: The Explain Plan option generates an explain plan for a query. To generate an explain plan, either highlight a query, or if nothing is highlighted and the language type is SQL mode, separate the queries in the editor by semi-colons and position the cursor within the query to explain, or if there are no semi-colons or highlighted queries, RazorSQL will send the entire contents of the editor to be explained.

The Explain Plan option is currently available for the following databases:

SQL Server

Commit: When a connection is setup with the auto-commit mode set to off, the SQL Commit and Rollback options become available.

Use the commit option to commit a transaction or statement of work to the database.

Please note that some database do not support transactions, such as older versions of MySQL. In these cases, the commit and rollback options become meaningless. Also, some databases handle transactions differently than others. For example, PostgreSQL handles transactions differently than the other major databases such as Oracle or SQL Server. RazorSQL attempts to handle this by issuing SavePoints when using PostgreSQL in auto-commit off mode so that transactions do not get into an invalid state.

Rollback: When a connection is setup with the auto-commit mode set to off, the SQL Commit and Rollback options become available.

Use the rollback option to rollback any work since the last commit.

Please note that some database do not support transactions, such as older versions of MySQL. In these cases, the commit and rollback options become meaningless. Also, some databases handle transactions differently than others. For example, PostgreSQL handles transactions differently than the other major databases such as Oracle or SQL Server. RazorSQL attempts to handle this by issuing SavePoints when using PostgreSQL in auto-commit off mode so that transactions do not get into an invalid state.

Clear Saved Query Parameters: This option clears any parameters that had been set by the user for the current session. Parameters can be set by using ampersands (&) in queries. When RazorSQL detects an ampersand in a query, it will prompt the user for a value to substitute for the ampersand. To clear values that were set at the session level, select the clear saved query parameters menu option.

Format SQL: RazorSQL includes an SQL Formatter tool that can be used to insert line breaks in user-customized areas such as before and/or after commas, SQL keywords, brackets, AND/OR, etc. It also allows users to specify text formatting such as text wrapping, upper-casing, and indenting.

SQL Parser: The SQL Parser option allows a user to parse an SQL statement to check for errors. The SQL parser used is a generic parser that is not database specific. Because of this, custom database syntax may not be supported by the parser.

Favorites: RazorSQL includes an SQL Favorites menu option that allows users to add and remove SQL queries or statements to a favorites list. Selecting a query from the favorites list will insert the query into the beginning of the editor. Users can select favorites either by using the SQL Favorites menu or by using the Favorites Selector tool. The selector tool displays a window listing all of the favorites, and allows users to select a query to insert into the editor.

Results Menu

Filter Query Results: Allows the user to filter the displayed query results by specifying criteria for what data should be displayed.

Sort Query Results: Allows the user to sort the query results by whatever column they choose.

Copy Results to Clipboard Copies the results and column names in the currently active results tab to the system clipboard.

Generate SQL Select for Selected Cells: This option uses the cells selected in the query results, and generates SQL select statements using the columns and values for these cells.

Generate SQL Update for Selected Cells: This option uses the cells selected in the query results, and generates SQL update statements using the columns and values for these cells.

Generate SQL Insert for Selected Rows: This option generates SQL insert statements using any rows in the query results that have selected cells.

Generate SQL Delete for Selected Rows: This options generates SQL delete statements using any rows in the query results that have selected cells. If the table that the delete is being generated for has primary keys defined, those keys are used in the where clause of the delete statement. If not, all columns are used to generate the delete where clause.

Re-execute Query: This option re-executes the query behind the current active results tab. The current active tab is overwritten by the re-executed query results.

Edit Cells: This option turns on the results data cell editor. If there are no currently selected cells, the first cell is enabled for editing.

Save / View Cell Edits: If the cell editor was turned on and changes were made, select this option to preview and/or execute the cell changes.

Fetch All Results: This option fetches all remaining rows (if applicable) for the currently active query results tab.

Create Table from Results: This option allows the user to create a new table using the columns and values in the currently active query results tab. There are options for creating the new table on the current active database connection, on RazorSQL's local database, or on another database if the database type is supported by RazorSQL's database conversion tool.

Tools Menu

FTP / SFTP Client: RazorSQL includes an FTP and SFTP client for connecting to servers via FTP or using secure FTP over SSH. Selecting the FTP / SFTP Client option will display a window with any currently configured FTP / SFTP connections and also provide the ability for the user to manage existing connections or create new connections.

Plugins Menu: This menu contains any plugins defined in RazorSQL. See the Plugin Guide for information on how to write plugins - Plugin Guide

Macros Menu: The macros menu has options for users to record keyboard macros, and once the macro has been recorded, options to select the macro for execution. Once there have been macros recorded, users can use the Macro Selector shortcut to display a list of available macros for execution.

When recording is started, any characters typed into the SQL editor or any keyboard shortcuts invoked from within the SQL editor get recorded. Anything done outside of the editor does not get recorded.

International Editor: The international editor displays an input box in the SQL editor that allows users to type international characters. This would mainly be for users that need to type specific keyboard combinations to type an international character.

Key Ahead: The programming editor provides key ahead functionality that can be invoked by using the control/command K keyboard combination or the Tools - Key Ahead menu option.

Key Ahead displays a selectable list of items based on the current language type of the editor. The editor has pre-configured many key ahead items. The user is also able to add items to the key ahead list for languages by selecting the Key Ahead tab of the preferences window.

Zip Utility: The Zip utility allows users to view and extract the contents of Zip or Jar files.

Execute Shell Script / Batch: The execute script option allows users to execute shell or batch scripts located on their machine. The output of the script is then displayed to the user.

Execute OS Command (Non-Windows): The execute OS command allows users to execute operating system commands via EditRocket. This is similar to opening a terminal appication or command prompt.

ASCII Table: The ASCII table option displays an ASCII table with information in decimal, octal, hex, and binary format.

Color Chooser: The Color Chooser allows users to choose colors in HTML Hex or RGB format from a color wheel or by color name.

Set Local Web Server Properties: Set the local web server properties for various programming languages. RazorSQL will then use this information when launching a web browser via the "Show in Web Browser" option.

Programming Language Sub-menus: These are menus containing tools for various programming languages such as PHP, Java, HTML, XML, CSS, etc.

Code Menu

Sidekicks Menu: This contains the sidekicks for the various programmign languages supported by RazorSQL such as PL/SQL, Java, PHP, XML, etc.

Inserts Menu: This menu contains code inserts for the various programming languages supported by RazorSQL.

Utils Menu: The utils menu contains langauge utils for languages such as C, HTML, Java, and XML, and includes such options as encoding and decoding URLs, converting selections to hyperlinks, etc.

Builders Menu: EditRocket provides Code Builders for many programming languages such as C, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Shell Script, and Transact-SQL. Code Builders allow users to easily create code by selecting options from the code builder window. For example, the PHP Code Builder has information such as function signatures, function descriptions, and version information on all functions available in PHP. The Code Builder lets users easily select one of these functions and insert it into the editor. Function Lookup: The editor provides function lookup for the various languages it supports. Function lookup can be used via the function lookup icon, the control/command L keyboard combination, or the Tools - Function Lookup menu option.

The function lookup works by determining a list of functions based on the current language type in the editor and then displaying them in a selectable list. For example, SQL function lookup would display the SQL aggregate functions. PL/SQL function lookup would display all of the PL/SQL functions like UPPER, DBMS_OUTPUT, etc. The Java function lookup would display methods pertaining to the class type of the variable on which the user is doing the lookup.

Function / Method Navigator: The function / method navigator tool displays a list of functions contained in the currently active editor. The functions are determined based on language type. For example, if the language type is JavaScript, JavaScript functions will be displayed. The functions displayed have a clickable icon so that users can be taken directly to the position in the editor where the function is located.

Query Navigator: The query navigator tool displays a list of SQL queries contained in the currently active editor. The queries displayed have a clickable icon so that users can be taken directly to the position in the editor where the query is located.

Tag Navigator: The tag navigator tool displays a list of tags contained in the currently active editor. The tags displayed have a clickable icon so that users can be taken directly to the position in the editor where the tag is located. The tag list is useful when the language type for the editor is HTML or XML.

Function / Method Selector: This option allows users to quickly jump to funtions or method by using the keyboard shortcut for the selector, or by selecting the menu option.

Range Comment: This option inserts a range comment into the editor, or if there is selected text, wraps the selected text in a range comment.

Line Comment: This option inserts a line comment into the editor, or if there is selected text, wraps each line in a line comment.

View Menu

Icon Size: Use this option to change the size of the icons on the editor toolbar and query results toolbar. Note: If the user would like to increase the size of all aspects of RazorSQL, not just the icons, it is recommended to either decrease the machine's screen resolution, or use scaling on the machine to make everything bigger in proportion.

Text Size: Use this option to change the size of text anywhere it appears in RazorSQL. Note: If the user would like to increase the size of all aspects of RazorSQL, not just the icons, it is recommended to either decrease the machine's screen resolution, or use scaling on the machine to make everything bigger in proportion.

Customize Toolbar: Allows users to customize which icons appear on the toolbar.

Dark Mode: Select this option to put RazorSQL into dark mode. RazorSQL must be restarted for this change to take effect. Note: RazorSQL version 10 introduced a new dark mode option that is more in line with the operating specific dark mode look and feel.

Light Mode: RazorSQL version 10 introducted a new user interface look and feel. Light mode is one of the look and feel options and is the default look and feel on Windows and Linux. On Mac machines, RazorSQL will try to auto detect whether the machine is in Light Mode or Dark Mode and set the look and feel accordingly.

Gray Mode: Gray Mode is a look and feel option introduced with RazorSQL version 10. It is a more modern look and feel using similar colors to the legacy default RazorSQL look and feel.

Font: Allows users to customize the font for the SQL editor, database navigator, and query results.

Increase Editor Font: Increases the editor font by one size.

Decrease Editor Font: Decreases the editor font by one size.

Programming Language: Allows the user to select the programming language to use for the syntax highlighting and tools such as function lookup for the current editor. Options includes SQL, PL/SQL, TSQL, SQL PL, Batch, C, C++, C#, COBOL, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Shell Script, and XML.

Show Default View: Shows the default RazorSQL view, which includes the database navigator, SQL editor, query results, and status pane.

Show Editor Only: Hides all panes except for the editor.

Query / Programming Editor: Show / Hide the SQL editor.

Query Results: Show / Hide the query results.

Database Navigator: Show / Hide the database navigator.

Status Panel: Show / Hide the status panel.

File System Browser: Show / Hide the file system browser.

Window Menu

Close All Tabs: Close all connections, resources, and hide all tabs.

Close All Except Current: Close all connections and resources, and all tabs except the current tab.

Close All Query Results: Close all SQL statement and result set resources and close all query results for the current active tab.

Close All Results Except Current: Close all SQL statement and result set resources and close all query results except for the current query results for the current active tab.

Next Tab: Make the next RazorSQL tab active.

Previous Tab: Make the previous RazorSQL tab active.