SimpleDB Connection Help

RazorSQL provides a custom Amazon SimpleDB driver that can communicate with a SimpleDB database via Amazon Web Services (AWS). For information on the SQL support provided by RazorSQL for SimpleDB and the SimpleDB specific tools provided by RazorSQL, click the links below.

SimpleDB SQL Syntax Support

Guide to SimpleDB Tools

Connecting to SimpleDB with the RazorSQL SimpleDB Driver

To connect to SimpleDB using the RazorSQL SimpleDB driver, open the Connections -> Add Connection Profile menu option and select SimpleDB (Amazon) as the database type. Click continue and select RazorSQL SimpleDB Driver as the connection type.

Next, enter a connection profile name. This will be the name used to identify the connection for connecting again in the future.

Next, enter the Amazon AWS security credentials. These include the AWS Access Key and the AWS Secret Key. These credentials are provided to you when signing up for Amazon Web Servies. You can look up your AWS security credentials by logging in to your AWS account and selecting the Security Credentials section.

If using the Amazon STS service to receive security credentials, the AWS Access Key, AWS Secret Key, and AWS Session Token will be needed to connect. RazorSQL also provides the option for specifying the location of the AWS Credentials File if you have one on your machine. The AWS Credentials File is the file used by the AWS command line process to authenticate. The file is in a specific format and can have multiple "profiles" in the file for different sets of credentials. If providing RazorSQL the location of the AWS Credentials file, RazorSQL needs to know the profile to use to connect if there is more than one profile configured in the file.

Next, enter the AWS server to use. The default server is Other options include the other SimpleDB endpoints across the globe such as,, and

Next, select whether to encrypt the data passing to and from the SimpleDB web service. To encrypt data, select TRUE in the "Secure" field.

Next, enter the max results per query value. The default is 2500. This number specifies the maximum number of rows RazorSQL will retrieve from SimpleDB for a given query.