RazorSQL SimpleDB Guide

RazorSQL provides various GUI tools and custom SQL syntax for working with Amazon SimpleDB. Aside from the global features provided by RazorSQL such as the SQL programming editor, database browser, etc., RazorSQL provides custom SimpleDB tools for creating and deleting domains, creating, editing, and deleting attributes, and support for executing SQL select, insert, update, and delete statements.

For information on the specific SQL syntax supported by RazorSQL, please see the following:

SimpleDB SQL Support

Creating and Deleting Domains

Users can create domains using the DB Tools -> Create -> Create Domain menu option. Users can delete domains using teh DB Tools -> Drop -> Drop Domain menu option. It is also possible to create and delete domains using the create domain and drop domain SQL syntax supported by RazorSQL. See the link above for more details on the supported SQL syntax.

Creating, Editing, and Deleting Attributes

Users can create and edit attributes using the DB Tools -> Edit -> Edit Attribute GUI tool. This tool allows users to create new attributes or replace existing attributes with new values. Users can delete attributes using the DB Tools -> Drop -> Drop Attributes GUI tool.

Users can edit attribute data for a specific domain using the DB Tools -> Edit -> Edit Domain tool. This allows users to edit domain data in a spreadsheet like format.

Users can also perform insert, update, and delete statements using SQL statements. For information on the supported syntax, see the SimpleDB SQL Support link above.

Importing and Exporting Data

RazorSQL provides GUI tools for importing and exporting data. These tools can be used to import data from various sources such as delimited files. spreadsheets, and SQL statements, and export data in the same formats. SQL statements must follow the syntax supported by RazorSQL for SimpleDB. More details can be found at the SimpleDB SQL Support link above.

Querying SimpleDB Domains

RazorSQL supports the select syntax supported by the Amazon SimpleDB API calls. Users can write select SQL statements in the RazorSQL SQL editor, and RazorSQL will return the results in grid format.