MongoDB Connection Help

RazorSQL ships with the MongoDB Java drivers necessary to connect to MongoDB databases. The driver is located in the drivers/mongodb directory under the RazorSQL installation directory. For information on the syntax supported by RazorSQL for querying and updating MongoDB databases, see the following:

RazorSQL MongoDB Syntax Guide

Listed below is information on the fields need to create a MongoDB connection:

Login: If the database you are connecting to requires authentication, enter the login id for the database here. Otherwise, leave this value blank.

Password: If the database you are connecting to requires authentication, enter the password for the database here. Otherwise, leave this value blank.

Host or IP Address: The host or ip address of the MongoDB server. If this is left blank, localhost will be assumed.

Port: The port the MongoDB server is listening on. If this is left blank, 27017 will be assumed.

Database Name: If a value is specified for the database name, after connecting, RazorSQL will set that value as the default database.

Max Rows to Return: The maximum number of rows to return per query. Once the max number is reached, RazorSQL will not fetch any more rows from the MongoDB database.