HSQLDB Connection Help

RazorSQL ships with the JDBC drivers necessary to connect to HSQLDB / HyperSQL in either embedded or server mode.

There are two options when connecting to HSQLDB databases. Users can either connect to an HSQLDB database running as a server or to an HSQLDB database running in embedded mode.


To connect to the network server, select the JDBC (HSQLDB Server) connection type from the connection type list. Enter the login information and the host or ip address, port, and database name to connect to the server. For information on how to set up and install an HSQLDB network server, check out the documenation link at the following: http://hsqldb.org/

HSQLDB Embedded

To connect to an embedded HSQLDB database, select the JDBC (HSQLDB Embedded) connection type from the connection type list. Enter any login information if applicable, and then specify whether to use an existing embedded database, or to have RazorSQL create a new embedded database.

If the embedded database already exists, browse to the directory where the database files are located (such as database_name.log, database_name.script, and database_name.properties) and select the database_name.script file.

If the database does not exist, type in or browse to create a new location for the HSQLDB database. HSQLDB will then create the necessary files with the prefixed with the database name typed in. For example, if typing /Users/user/Desktop/sample as the location of the database, HSQLDB will create a file called sample.properites, and perhaps sample.log, etc. The actual name of the database is simply sample in this case.

Manual HSQLDB JDBC Information

If manually configuring your connection, see the following for JDBC driver class and JDBC URL format. JDBC Information