H2 Connection Help
RazorSQL does not ship with drivers for connecting to H2. To connect to H2 using RazorSQL,
H2 JDBC drivers will need to be downloaded. The JDBC drivers for H2 are included in the H2
database jar file. The main page for H2 is the following
Download the H2 database engine in zip format, and extract the zip file. The h2-<version>.jar file located in the h2/bin directory contains the JDBC drivers necessary to connect to H2.
To connect to H2, open the connection wizard and determine whether you would like to connect to an H2 embedded database or an H2 Server database.
H2 Embedded
To connect to H2 embedded, select H2 Embedded as the connection type, and use the browse button to select the h2<version>.jar file that was downloaded. Select whether or not to create a new database or an existing database, and enter the name of the database file.
H2 Server
To connect to H2 server, make sure your H2 server instance is started, select the H2 Server option as the connection type, and use the browse button to select the h2<version>.jar file that was downloaded. Enter any login information, and the host, port, and database name. The default port is 9092.
Manual H2 JDBC Information
If manually configuring your connection, see the following for JDBC driver class and JDBC URL format. JDBC Information