Apache Derby Connection Help

RazorSQL supports connecting to Derby via JDBC on all supported operating systems and via ODBC on Windows. When connecting to Derby, it may be necessary to use a JDBC driver version that corresponds to the Derby database version. For example, if the version of Derby being connected to is version 10.13, the 10.13 JDBC driver should also be used. If there is a mismatch in the versions between the driver and the database, Derby may not allow the connection. Because of this, on the Connections -> Add Connection Profile screen in RazorSQL there is a drop-down box where users can select the Derby version they wish to connect to. RazorSQL will then automatically download the appropriate Derby JDBC driver based on the version selected by the user.

There are two options when connecting to Derby databases. Users can either connect to a Derby database running as a server, also known as a Derby Network server, or to a Derby database running in embedded mode.

Derby Network Server

To connect to the network server, select the JDBC (Derby Network) connection type from the connection type list. Enter the login information and the host or ip address, port, and database name to connect to the server. For information on how to set up and install a Derby network server, check out the following link: Apache Derby Manuals

Derby Embedded

To connect to an embedded derby database, select the JDBC (Derby Embedded) connection type from the connection type list. Enter any login information if applicable, and then specify whether to use an existing embedded database, or to have RazorSQL create a new embedded database.

If the embedded database already exists, browse to the directory of the existing database and select that directory.

If the database does not exist, type in or browse to create a new location for the derby database. This location will then serve as the parent directory of the embedded database.

Manual Derby JDBC Information

If manually configuring your connection, see the following for JDBC driver class and JDBC URL format. JDBC Information