MongoDB Database Query Tool Features

The RazorSQL MongoDB database query tool includes a MongoDB database browser, a MongoDB query builder, a MongoDB query editor, custom MongoDB GUI tools, and MongoDB database administration tools. Listed below are more details on these features.

MongoDB GUI ToolsMongoDB GUI Tools

  • A MongoDB create collection tool that generates MongoDB specific JSON inserts to create the collection and insert initial data into the collection.
  • MongoDB Database Backup Tools for backing up MongoDB databases or single MongoDB collections.
  • MongoDB Drop Tools for dropping collections and databases.
  • A visual edit collection tool for visually editing MongoDB collections
  • MongoDB Import and Export tools for importing data into collections, or exporting data from single collections or all collections in a database

MongoDB Database Browser MongoDB Database Browser

  • Displays information in a tree format for databases and collections.
  • Displays MongoDB collection information such as attribute name and data type.
  • Easily view collection contents, search collection data, or edit collections via the context menu.

MongoDB Query Editor  MongoDB Query Editor

Execute JSON or simple SQL queries and statements. Auto collection lookup. Supports over 20 programming languages including SQL, PHP, HTML, XML, Java, and more.

MongoDB Import Tool MongoDB Import Tool

Import data from files containing JSON documents or JSON insert statements.

MongoDB Export Tool MongoDB Export Tool

Export data in various formats such as JSON insert statements, JSON documents, delimited files, Excel spreadsheets, text, HTML, and XML.

MongoDB Collection Editor MongoDB Edit Collection Tool

Visually edit MongoDB collections.

MongoDB Query Builder MongoDB Query Builder

Easily build select and insert statements using MongoDB query syntax. Also includes an option for generating queries based on entered search criteria.

Below is a screen shot of the RazorSQL MongoDB GUI Tool

MongoDB GUI Tool