SimpleDB Database Query Tool Features

The Amazon SimpleDB database query tool features provided by RazorSQL include a custom SimpleDB database browser tailored to Amazon SimpleDB, a SimpleDB SQL editor with SimpleDB specific features and syntax highlighting, custom SimpleDB GUI tools, and SimpleDB specific database administration tools. Listed below are more details on these features.

SimpleDB Database Tools SimpleDB GUI Tools

SimpleDB Database Browser SimpleDB Database Browser

  • Displays information in a tree format for databases, domains, and attributes
  • Easily view domain contents via context menu options

SimpleDB SQL Editor  Amazon SimpleDB SQL Editor

Edit and run SQL scripts and queries using the SimpleDB select query options and the additional SQL syntax supported by RazorSQL for inserting, deleting, and updating SimpleDB data. The editor also contains support for over 20 programming languages including SQL, PHP, HTML, XML, Java, and more.

SimpleDB Import Tool SimpleDB Import Tool

Import data from various formats such as delimited files, Excel spreadsheets, and SQL scripts.

SimpleDB Export Tool SimpleDB Export Tool

Export data in various formats such as delimited files, Excel spreadsheets, text, HTML, XML, and SQL insert statements.

SimpleDB Domain Editor SimpleDB Domain Editor

Edit domains in a spreadsheet format with support for finding and replacing data, automatic generation of SQL.