SQL Azure Import Tool

The SQL Azure import tool provided by RazorSQL allows users to easily import data into SQL Azure tables. The following import options are supported:

  • SQL Insert Statements: the import tool can read SQL statements from a file and execute them against the SQL Azure database
  • Delimited Files: delimited files such as comma separated (csv), tab separated (tsv) space separated, and any other type of delimited file.
  • Excel Spreadsheets: the SQL Azure import tool can automatically read and import data from Excel spreadsheets.
  • Fixed Width Files: the import tool can read data from files with fixed length columns.

The SQL Azure import tool prompts the user for information about the table to which the import the data, the way in which the columns match up to the imported data, and whether to perform certain operations such as wrapping columns in quotes. The import tool can then execute the import, or generate the SQL insert statements necessary to perform the import. If the table does not yet exist, the import tool can read the column information from the import file and generate and execute a create table statement prior to doing the import.

For more information on the SQL Azure import tool, see the following general import tool documentation:

Import Tool Documentation

RazorSQL also offers many other SQL Azure tools such as a database browser, an SQL query builder, GUI tools for managing SQL Azure objects and structures, and much more. See the main SQL Azure Features Page for more information.

SQL Azure Import Tool