MySQL Admin Tools provided by RazorSQL
Listed below is information on each of the MySQL Admin tools included with RazorSQL.
- Create Database Tool: This tool collects the database name, character set, and collation. It then generates and/or executes the DDL command to create the new MySQL database.
- Create User Tool: This tool collects the user, password, privilege, database, and domain information, grant information, and whether to use the new MySQL 8 syntax for creating a user. It generates and/or executes the MySQL DDL to create the new MySQL user.
- Create Table Tool: This tool allows users to create a new table. It collects information such as the table name, column names, types, and lengths; primary key and auto increment information; nullability; database engine and default charset, and constraint information. The tool then generates and/or executes the DDL command to create the table.
- Create View Tool: This tool collects the view name and query for the view, and then generates and/or executes the MySQL create view DDL command.
- Create Index Tool: This tool collects the table the index should be generated upon, the name of the index, whether or not it is a unique index, and the columns to be included in the index. It then generates the MySQL create index DDL to create the index on the MySQL table.
- Create Procedure Tool: This tool collects the name of the procedure and information on each input and/or output parameter for the procedure. The parameter information collected includes the parameter name, whether it is an IN, OUT, or IN/OUT parameter, the data type of the parameter, and the size. It then generates the MySQL create procedure DDL stub using the collected information.
- Create Function Tool: This tool collects the name of the function and information on each input parameter for the function. It also collects the function return type. It then generates the MySQL create function DDL stub using the collected information.
- Create Trigger Tool: This tool collects the trigger name and then generates the MySQL create trigger DDL stub.
- Alter Table Tool: This tool supports the following alter table operations for
MySQL tables. The tool generates the MySQL alter table DDL for the selected alter operation:
- Add Column
- Add Primary Key
- Add Foreign Key
- Add Constraint
- Change Column Type
- Drop Column
- Drop Primary Key
- Drop Foreign Key
- Drop Constraint
- Rename Table
- Rename Column
- Alter View Tool: This tool collects the view name and then generates the MySQL drop view and MySQL create view commands for the view.
- Drop Tools: RazorSQL provides the following tools for dropping MySQL objects:
- Drop Table
- Drop View
- Drop Index
- Drop Procedure
- Drop Function
- Drop Trigger
- Drop Database
- Drop User
- Editing Tools: RazorSQL provides the following tools for editing MySQL objects:
- Edit Table
- Edit Procedure
- Edit Function
- Edit Trigger
- Backup Tools: RazorSQL provides tools for backing up MySQL tables. The backup tool supports backing up a single table, or backing up all tables, views, procedures, functions, indexes, and triggers in a MySQL database. The tools generates a file with the DDL commands for creating the database objects and SQL insert commands for any table data.