HSQLDB Database Backup Tool

RazorSQL includes tools for backing up HSQLDB database object structures and data. It also includes a single table backup tool for HSQLDB.

The HSQLDB database backup tool works by generating all data definition language (DDL) statements for the HSQLDB database objects selected by the user. It also generates SQL insert statements for all table data in the schema. The DDL and SQL insert statements are written out to a backup file.

The HSQLDB database backup tool allows users to select the objects to backup such as tables, views, and indexes, the character encoding of the backup file, the SQL statement separator to use when generating the backup file, and whether to fully qualify object names in the generated SQL and DDL statements.

The database backup tool writes out all data in character format, and as such, may not be acceptable for backing up tables that contain binary data.

Below are screen shots of the main selection pages for the HSQLDB database backup tool and the HSQLDB single table backup tool.


HSQLDB Database Backup Tool

HSQLDB Table Backup Tool