Cassandra Import Tool
The Cassandra import tool provided by RazorSQL allows users to easily import data into Cassandra databases. The following import options are supported:
- Delimited Files: delimited files such as comma separated (csv), tab separated (tsv) space separated, and any other type of delimited file.
- Excel Spreadsheets: the Cassandra import tool can automatically read and import data from Excel spreadsheets in both .xls and .xlsx formats.
- Fixed Width Files: the Cassandra import tool can read data from files with fixed length columns.
- SQL Insert Statements: the import tool can read SQL statements from a file and execute them against the Cassandra database
For more information on the Cassandra import tool, see the following general documentation
about the RazorSQL import tool:
Import Tool Documentation
RazorSQL also offers many other Cassandra tools such as a Cassandra database browser, an SQL query builder, GUI tools for managing Cassandra objects and structures, and much more. See the main Cassandra Features Page for more information.