FrontBase Alter Table
The FrontBase Alter Table Tool allows users to visually alter tables. The Alter Table Tool can generate and/or execute the SQL that corresponds to any table alterations specified by the user.
The following options are available for the FrontBase Alter Table Tool.
Add Column - Adds a column to a table
Add Primary Key - Adds a primary key to a table
Add Foreign Key - Adds a foreign key to a table
Add Constraint - Adds a check constraint to a table
Drop Column - Drops a column from a table
Drop Constraint - Drops a check constraint from a table
Listed below are some sample SQL statements generated by the Alter Table Tool.
ALTER TABLE testuser.employee ADD newcol CHARACTER(25) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE testuser.employee ADD PRIMARY KEY (ssn)
ALTER TABLE testuser.employee
REFERENCES testuser.department(dnumber)