Finding and Killing Sessions in Sybase
The first step in killing a session in a Sybase database is to find the session to kill. Connect to Sybase as a user that has the privileges necessary to run queries to find sessions and execute commands to kill sessions. The following query will list running sessions in a Sybase database:
master.dbo.sysprocesses p,
master.dbo.syslogins l,
master.dbo.sysdatabases d,
master.dbo.sysprocesses p2
p.suid *= l.suid AND
p.dbid *= d.dbid AND
p.spid *= p2.blocked
One of the columns returned from the above query is the spid. The value of this column is what is needed to kill a session. After determining the spid of the session to be killed, execute the following command to kill the session. In this example, the spid is 19.
kill 19;