Connecting to MySQL Remotely for Yahoo Web Hosting Users

Yahoo disables remote access to MySQL databases for security reasons. RazorSQL provides a MySQL PHP bridge so that users can connect to their Yahoo MySQL databases from a remote machine.

Listed below are Yahoo specific tips to getting connected to MySQL with RazorSQL. The following link contains general information on how the PHP bridge works, how to deploy the bridge PHP page, etc.

MySQL PHP Bridge

The following zip archive contains all of the RazorSQL ASP and PHP bridge pages. The file that needs uploaded to your site for MySQL is the razorsql_mysql_bridge.php file.

RazorSQL Bridges

The following settings are typical values needed to connect via the bridge for Yahoo users:

Bridge URL: This is the URL of the razorsql_mysql_bridge.php page that you deployed either via FTPing the file to your site, or by using your Yahoo web hosting control panel to upload the php page.

Host or IP Address: This is the Yahoo mysql host. This information should be available from Yahoo in your web hosting control panel. Yahoo servers typically name the mysql host as simply mysql.

Port: The port would generally be the default port of 3306.

Database Name: If you have already created a MySQL database on your Yahoo site, enter it here.