AWS Athena System and DDL Queries

The information below contains examples of common AWS Athena system queries and DDL statements. The structure of the Athena database starts with a top-level catalog named the AWSDataCatalog. Under the AWSDataCatalog, Athena contains objects it calls databases. The databases are similar to the term schemas in other database systems.

To show all databases in the Athena AWSDataCatalog for an Athena instance, execute the following query:

show databases

The output of the show databases command looks like the following:

database_name _____________ sales marketing hr

To show all of the tables in a particular database / schema, the following query can be executed:

show tables in sales

The output of the show tables in database command looks like the following:

tab_name ____________ sales_reps accounts contacts

To show all views in a particular database / schema, the following command can be executed:

show views in sales

The output of the show views command looks like the following:

views _____________ contacts_view account_view

To show the columns in a particular table, execute the following command:

show columns in sales.accounts

The output of the show columns command looks like the following:

field ___________ id firstName lastName address

To show the create table DDL statement for a particular table, the show create table command can be executed:

show create table sales.accounts

The output of the show create table is the following:

createtab_stmt ____________________________________ CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE `sales.accounts`( `id` int, `firstName` string, `lastName` string, `address` string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' OUTPUTFORMAT '' LOCATION 's3://bucket_location' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'transient_lastDdlTime'='1481299789')